United Security Products

Proven Performance Since 1970
Made in America

Supervisory Devices

Glass Break Detector
Window Bug
Dry Circuit
No Power Required
Adjustable Operation of OC or CC
Peel and Stick Mounting
Protects up to 32 square feet
Automatic Reset
Available in Gray, White, or Brown
1 1/4” Diameter x 1/2” Length
Broken Pulse Time: 10 Milliseconds
Model 705 - Replacement mount plate
Model 724 - HG Compliant
Note: Please Specify Model 710 for Longer Pulse Time and CA State Fire Marshall Approved

Telephone Line
Monitoring Relay
Notifies of disconnection after 17 seconds delay, due to cut telephone lines or excessive drops in voltage
Normally closed or normally open output can be interfaced with any alarm panel or device that has normally open inputs.
Helps protect your environment by monitoring the phone line

End of Line Relay R-64
Adaptable to any standard 4 or 6 wire system
Provides 12-24 VDC E.O.L. Power Supervision
UL listed and CA State Fire Marshall Approved.
UL listed and CA State Fire Marshall Approved.

Power Loss Sensor
Accepts an unlimited number of Window Bugs (Model 714)
Increases “Broken Loop” Time
Automatically resets loop circuit
Operates from 4.5 to 16 volts DC
Can also be used with USP Model 330

Pulse Stretcher
Accepts an unlimited number of Window Bugs (Model 714)
Increases “Broken Loop” Time
Automatically resets loop circuit
Operates from 4.5 to 16 volts DC
Can also be used with USP Model 330

Temperature Switch
Fixed Temperature Type
Closed Circuit Detector Opens at 40 F Variance of +/- 5 F
Contact Rating 24VDC-120mA
Automatic Reset
UL LIsted and CA State Fire Marshall Approved

Vibration Detector
Ideal for walls, windows and safes, Tamper proof, dust proof cover, Easy to mount with screws, double sided tape or epoxy.
Gram-meter adjustable
White or Gray

Water Detector WLS
NO/NC Capability
(110 VAC)
Dry Contact Output
Automatic Reset
Power Restore Sensor Available